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A group of people stands in front of a counter displaying various products. The background features a large image of a snowy landscape and the word 'pidan' is prominently displayed. The area appears to be indoors, likely a vendor stall or exhibition stand. The counter has boxes and products neatly arranged, with posters and bags hanging on the side wall. One person is wearing a black jacket with the word 'HERITAGE' on the back.
A group of people stands in front of a counter displaying various products. The background features a large image of a snowy landscape and the word 'pidan' is prominently displayed. The area appears to be indoors, likely a vendor stall or exhibition stand. The counter has boxes and products neatly arranged, with posters and bags hanging on the side wall. One person is wearing a black jacket with the word 'HERITAGE' on the back.


Visítanos en Frontera La Mesilla, Huehuetenango, donde creamos productos únicos que reflejan tu estilo y necesidades.


Frontera La Mesilla


Lunes a Sábado